Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Promiscuity Pride: Why You Shouldn’t Be Ashamed Of Your Desires

Women have had it rough.  Throughout history, we’ve been denied the right to vote, the right to work, and the right to have sex just for the fun of it.  Thanks to evolution, human beings eventually realized how ridiculous it is to deny anyone their rights, and thanks to various badass women who have had the bravery to stand up for   the rest of us everywhere, we managed to knock down the barriers that held us back from doing things we wanted to.  Well... for the most part.  There is still stigma attached to any woman that comes across as sexually “promiscuous,” and women are still being shamed for wanting to explore their sexuality and engage in sexual activity with anyone they like.  This is perhaps one of the biggest double standards in today’s society, and women should never be made to feel like they’re doing anything wrong just because they’re doing what they please with their own bodies.  Do you consider yourself promiscuous?  Here, we give you a few reasons why you shouldn’t ever be ashamed.

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