You might have heard a lot of stories of how this one sex toy or that one sex toy is the only kind you’ll ever have to buy, but this is actually the one sex toy you’re ever going to need to buy, and it might very well be something that you already have: a bullet vibrator. Bullet vibrators come in all shapes and sizes, have different purposes, can be added to other toys should you choose to have them, and have the added benefit of being discreet. On top of that, they’re a great toy for newbies, because they’re simple to use, can be used inventively, and they’re easy to clean. This is putting aside the fact that they’re cheaper than a lot of other toys. They can be stored anywhere and taken around with you without other people realizing it. Luckily, you’re not trading all of those benefits for a lackluster sex toy experience: bullet vibrators will give you some of the best orgasms you’ve ever had. Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about the only sex toy you’ll ever have to purchase, and how getting one could be one of the better sexual decisions you ever make.