Illyria Jade is a tattoo and alternative model from Austin, Texas. Jade first began as an alternative and Goth model, but has become more focused on tattoo publications and photography. Not to mention she aims to start a not-for-profit organisation using her experience in the science field for tattooed guys and girls! Find out more below.[caption id="attachment_93311" align="aligncenter" width="700"]Photography by Eduardo A. Garcia[/caption]Tell us about your career as model. How did you get started?I've "modeled" off and on since 2006. In those early years I did a lot of events, promo, runway, and online/print advertising. I wasn't known for my tattoos back then though, I was more of a goth/alt model. It all started because I was in college and had friends majoring in art and photography who always needed models for assignments. I put some of those photos up online and they got attention from other photographers and it just started building momentum. After graduating, I took a break from modeling to focus on grad school and get my master's degree. I'm definitely not a career model. I take long hiatuses from time to time. As my collection expanded over recent years, I got the renewed itch to get back in front of the camera, with a new focus on tattoo lifestyle brands and publications. I feel like I've finally found my niche.Did you always want to be a model or did you have other career aspirations when you were growing up?As I mentioned, I was in college working on my B.A. when I started modeling and went on to get a Master's degree as well. Modeling was never a career aspiration for me and still isn't. There was a point when the momentum was building strong enough in those early years that I could've made it more a focal point and tried the career model thing. But I opted to stay the course of education. Looks don't last nearly as long as brains, and I want a career I can pursue throughout my life. I plan on going back to school and getting a Ph.D. as well as starting a non-profit related to the tattoo industry in the next few years.Do you love any one genre of modelling more than another?I've moved away from the goth/alt stuff I started with. In general I take a "less is more" stance these days. I prefer traditional glamour and fashion stuff over heavily "alt" or stylized stuff. I love the kind of tattooed models who if they were wearing long sleeves or dresses they'd pass for main stream models and no one would even know they were covered in ink. More traditional beauty stuff. Though deep down I'm still a recovering goth. The goth aesthetic is still incredibly beautiful to me.What was your first shoot as a model like? Tell us a little about it?The first shoot I did was for a neighbourhood friend who was getting a degree in photography. It was black and white and on film. And it was in water. I was wearing a long, very goth gown, and in a pool. So I had all these layers of fabric just swirling around me and she was shooting with this special underwater camera. It was actually super rad. Unfortunately I don't have any of the photos. I think she only developed one for the assignment.Who is Illyria? How does she differ from you in your everyday life?Illyria (pronounced ill-ear-ee-uh) is a complete figment of the imagination. She's almost the complete opposite of "everyday" me. I'm a master's level psychotherapist, working 2 jobs and doing research, trying to start a non-profit, launch my own research, and get a Ph.D. I cover all my tattoos daily to live and work in the field I'm in. I have to intentionally "tone down" my natural good looks because in my field beauty is not advantageous, and can be a hindrance to getting good jobs and being taken seriously. It's kind of crazy. Illyria is an outlet where I get to be beautiful, show my skin, and connect with people on a more creative level. I'm basically living two lives. But my ultimate goal is to start breaking down the walls that separate Illyria and I and build a career where I can be a tattooed and educated professional. It’s a huge passion of mine to break down the stereotypes people have about heavily tattooed females. I can't wait to have my doctorate and be a heavily tattooed Dr.Let’s talk tattoos for a moment! What first drew you to tattoos?When I was 12, I started writing lists of the tattoos I was going to get when I turned 18. I always knew I wanted tattoos. I wasn't thinking full coverage back then though. I had ideas for lots of small/medium separate pieces. Once I started getting tattooed, big pieces and full coverage quickly became the new goal.Do you have a favourite tattoo experience/tattooist/tattoo?I honestly love all my tattoos, I think of them all as one big cohesive piece (though they don't all connect yet). Some have specific meaning, some I find amazing aesthetically as works of art, others mark milestones for me as a collector....they all have significance in different ways so it's hard to pick a favorite. My chest piece was my first highly visible large piece that sort of moved me from the realm of being a "chick with a few tattoos" to being a noticeable collector. But I have other, smaller pieces that I like less on the artistic side but more on the meaning side, like my mother's name on my stomach or the small bear outline on my lower back/hip. Most of my work has been done by a good friend and great artist, Rooster Robinson in San Antonio, TX.[caption id="attachment_93310" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Photography by Eduardo A. Garcia[/caption]Are you planning any more for the future?Oh I still have quite a few pieces on my list. I've slowed down a lot because I have more on my list then I have room for on my body. There are certain places I don't want to tattoo fully (my left leg) or can't tattoo due to my career (neck, hands) so I'm trying to balance my "useable space" and the growing list I have. It's really hard!Do you have any tips for those who might be getting their first tattoo?Get educated!! Do tons of research! And go big! So many people go small and then get big cover-ups later. I did that a lot and wish I had just started with full coverage ideas.How much have you changed since you first started modelling?My entire look has changed, I think for the better. I consider myself to be getting better looking with age and love my newer photos so much more than my old ones. Which is funny, most chicks look back on their early 20s as their prime. I don't, at all. I'm like a fine wine. I haven't even hit my prime.Do you have any tips for new models that find you inspiring?Work hard. Self-submit. Practice posing. Know your worth.What is one fact that your fans may not know about you?Most of my fans are constantly guessing at my ethnicity because I have such an exotic look. I'm a mix of a ton of things but I'm primarily Panamanian and European. Which is never what people guess.We’re in love with Illyria Jade, how about you? Find more from Illyria onFacebook(She’d love it if you gave it a like, since she just lost 19 thousand followers due to a Facebook mix up!),Model Mayhemand Instagram (@illyriajade). Before you go, don’t forget to check out the gallery below filled with tons of Illyria Jade’s favourite photos!
Photography by Digital Icon Photography (Raphael Brown)
Photography by Eduardo A. Garcia
Photography by Eduardo A. Garcia
Photography by Expressive Art Photography (Art Cantu)
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