Monday, September 30, 2019

15 Men Reveal The Sex Positions They Enjoy The Least

While it might be hard to fathom that guys could dislike any sex position, the reality of the situation is that some , and what we found was, well, revealing to say the least. Here, we highlight 15 men as they reveal their least favorite set-up in bed.

Men Reveal How They Feel About Going Down On A Girl While She’s On Her Period

Gross. Messy. Dirty. For years, men have been disgusted by the thought of engaging in sexual activity with a menstruating woman. But as it turns out, the times are changing: Not only are many guys now A-OK with having sex with a girl while she's on her period, they're also (generally speaking, of course) fine with going down on her. Yes, seriously. Read on below as men reveal how they REALLY feel about going on a girl during that time of the month, per Reddit.
Share your thoughts on the matter below in the comments section! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

12 tips for better sex for women

A man & a woman kissing

Here are 12 tips for women to haver better sex:

1. Ruffle your feathers – and your bed clothes
A lot of articles and advice columns recommend doing it in all kinds of wild and wonderful places and I don’t dispute, that can be fun, but don’t underestimate a good romp under the covers. Your bed is one of the places where you are most comfortable in the whole world and if you want to explore and get out of your comfort zone, what better place to do it than where you’re most comfortable!
2. Are you keeping up with the Jones’?
Are your girlfriends having more or better sex than you are? If so, does it matter? The real question you should be asking yourself is - are you happy with the sex you’re getting? Each one of us is different and while your friend may get her kicks out of singing from the chandelier, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a slow evening of sweet kissing, cuddling and gentle love-making.
3. Gimme more!
It is perfectly natural for our sex lives to ebb and flow, sometimes we can do it 6 or 7 times a week, and sometimes we can go without it for a couple of weeks. If you want to keep your sex life active all you have to do is do it, and do it well. When you are having great orgasms, your body will naturally crave more. The reverse to that of course, is that if you go without it for too long a period, your body forgets what it’s missing and you have to call in the big guns to get yourself up and running again.
4.Play the Fiddle
So leading on from my last point, if for some reason your partner is not interested, take matters into your own hands – literally. Not only will this prevent you from going through dry spells, but you are pretty much guaranteed to get that satisfaction you so truly deserve.
5. Work out – Work in
As a modern woman you probably do the gym thing, but are you exercising ALL your muscles? Your pubococcygeal (pc) muscles and the muscles lining the wall of your vagina and the entire base of your core. They’re the muscles you use when you’re peeing, when you give birth and yes you guessed it, when you orgasm. So working these muscles til they’re nice and strong will give you stronger, more intense orgasms. To do them, squeeze as if you’re holding back urine, then release. For an easier option, check out these.

6. Do it like a Doggie
Doggie style is really underated. It is one of the best positions for achieving a G-Spot orgasm. Yes, you don’t have the intimacy of face to face love-making, but his hands can be on your hips, your ass or your breasts and his lips can be nibbling the back of your neck… mmm

7. Kama Sutra anyone?
Every woman has got the position that works for her every time. But now that you know that you have that and can always fall back on it if you need to, why not explore? There are so many fun and exciting – and challenging positions out there. Why not do a bit of research and see if any of them appeal to you…
8. Be the Cliché

Who cares if hundreds of people before you have done it? They’ve all done it, cos it’s gooood. So light those candles, break out the bubbly, pull out your Barry CD and set the mood. You’ll be surprised what those few little things can do to get you both in the mood.
9. If you aint asking, you aint getting
As much as we would like them to be, unfortunately, men just cannot read our minds. If you want something, you must ask for it. If you feel a bit awkward about it, why not make it part of the seduction. Turn it into dirty pillow talk, or if it’s something simple, see if he can decipher you spelling it out on his… mmm… with your tongue.

10. It’s not about the Destination, but the Journey…
Do not chase your orgasm! 90% of a good orgasm is in your head and if you’re lying there stressing about whether you’re going to have one or not, guess what? You’re not! Just enjoy yourself. Enjoy each move and sensation and if it happens to end in a mind-blowing orgasm, then bonus!

11. Quickies are good, Antici….Pation is better
Ever tried all day foreplay? Write a sexy note and stick it in your hubbies pants pocket, lunch box or brief case. Follow this up with a naughty text and maybe even a cheeky photo. Make sure that by the time he gets home, those candles are lit and you’re in his favourite negligee. It won’t stay on for long!
12. You are Perfect in every way

Love yourself, love your vagina – he does. There is nothing more appealing to a man than a confident, sexy woman. So if you feel a bit awkward and are not as familiar with yourself as you should be, then darling, it’s time to pull out that compact and take a good look. He’s seen it dozens of times, isn’t it time you did too. Look at it, touch it, caress it, love it. When you do, it will make a huge difference to the way you feel about yourself during sex.

5 things you didn't know about the female orgasm

Second, only to regular exercise, orgasms make people appear younger. Picture: Supplied
** This blog was written by guest author Melissa Luies**
Orgasm is not just about pleasure. It is also an important aspect of women’s health as it triggers the release of the hormones, which help the body relax, reduce stress, help fight depression, and offer opportunities for full physical and mental development. Here are five things you never knew about orgasms.
10 to 15% of all women can't orgasm... at all
We'll just get the bad news out of the way. Anorgasmia is the inability to get off. It can be global, meaning there is no means by which she's going to orgasm, or situational -- wherein she can only peak under certain circumstances. But no matter what it is, it just sucks. Completely.
Getting women off took precedent over their housekeeping duties
The first electric vibrators hit the market in the early 1900s. Um, that's a decade before vacuum cleaners and electric clothes irons.
The sensation of orgasm is basically the same for men and women
The penis and clitoris are homologous organs developing from the same tissue in an embryo. Whichever you have, it's connected to the spinal cord (and brain, by extension) via a pair of pudendal nerves. Same nerves, same sensations.
And the best position to induce a female orgasm is...
Doggie style! Pat yourselves on the back, guys, science are on your side! This position stimulates the clitoris and the vagina, which in layman's terms, is a sexual win-win.
Orgasms are the mystical fountain of youth
Second, only to regular exercise, orgasms make people appear younger. British head-shrinker Dr David Weeks surveyed 3 500 people to come up with his results.

Friday, September 13, 2019

How to Get Marilyn Monroe Style

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Even if we have plenty of gorgeous modern divas, we're still looking up to Marilyn Monroe, the one and only 50s and 60s sex symbol. It's because of her if halter dresses are all the rage among pinups, and if beauty spots became a must in their makeup daily routine. We have recently talked a lot about Dita Von Teese, and it's safe to say that she is a modern Marilyn: she is also a natural blonde, whereas Marilyn was  a natural brunette (photographic evidence is in the first image of the gallery below) Marilyn Monroe's real name was Norma Jeane Mortenson, a regular girl from Los Angeles: she began her career as a model, and started being casted for small roles in 1946. She got her first leading actress role in 1952 and her fame never stopped growing since. She started her career in magazines aimed at men likethese magazines didn't feature nudes, but only girls in bathing suits, negligees, towels and such "innocent to the modern eye" attires. She worked with a lot of photographers, the most important for her career being André de Dienes. Her most famous movies are "The Prince and the Showgirl", "Some like it Hot", "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" and "Bus Stop", which got her a Golden Globe nomination. Marilyn became the icon she is today also due to her troubled life, which led to an early end. She had always suffered from depression, and in her latest years she dreaded filming and made working on set with her a challenge. The last set that saw Marilyn Monroe was Something's Got to Give movie set: she was dismissed after 35 days of filming (of which she only actually worked 12 days) and replaced by Lee Remick.
On August 4 1962 she was found dead in her bed. The autopsy revealed an excess of barbiturates in her body, so she probably committed suicide; but we will never know for sure. What we know for sure is that she is the sex symbol and she'll always will be, and that she "imposed" a new way to look at the female body: she wasn't ashamed of showing it, she wasn't tall or very slim either, and she just looked like she was comfortable in her skin with her awesome smile. (even though she was very self-conscious, but the legacy she left got the better out of her troubled personality.) We are aware of the fact that she had the ideal 1950s and 1960s body, but we still look at her as a sex symbol and her body shape is a positive body image for today standards.
Beauty and femininity are ageless and can't be contrived, and glamour, although the manufacturers won't like this, cannot be manufactured. Not real glamour; it's based on femininity. 
Would you like us to write a step by step "How to dress like Marilyn Monroe" post with shopping and styling tips? Or would you prefer a makeup/hair tutorial? Let us know in the comments below!

Tattooed Celebrity: Angelina Jolie

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Tattooed Celebrity: Angelina Jolie is an Oscar-winning actress who has become popular by taking on leading roles in iconic films Girl Interrupted, Gia and the recent blockbuster, Maleficent. She often appears on many "most beautiful women" lists, and she has a personal life that is avidly covered by the press. Let's face it, we never really get tired of hearing about Angelina. Most men drool over her, and most women want to be her. Her life is far from boring. Jolie has a serious love for tattoos. She has at least a dozen tattoos all over her body, and she also has quite a lot experience with tattoo removal (Whoops!). All of Angelina's tattoos have a special meaning and are seriously worth looking into. Enjoy, admire, obsess (if you will), or whatever you may over Angelina Jolie's beauty and stunning tattoos below.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Rebel Girl: Jessica Kittredge

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Jessica Kittredge is an international published alternative/ tattoo model based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She's also a hairstylist and makeup artist, she wants to do it all! Read the following interview and have a look at the gallery at the bottom of the post to see more about this gorgeous red head!
Jessica Kittredge Tattooed Model
Rebel Circus: When did you get your first tattoo/piercing? Did they have a particular meaning to you?
Jessica Kittredge: I got my nose pierced when I turned 18 which I always admired on people & thought looked very bohemian! & got my first tattoo before my 19th birthday which was the small heart that says love on my right hip. It was only the black outline to start & I have since added on to it. I knew I would always believe in the pureness of love.
Rebel Circus: Do you regret any of your tattoos?
Jessica Kittredge: Of course not! They tell my story & just like tattoos, you can't change the past so why live in regret?
Rebel Circus: What tattoo are you planning to get next?
Jessica Kittredge: I'm in the middle of my stomach piece which is my logo for Shaken Vanity Studios- my hair/ makeup/ modeling business. The outline was done about 3 weeks ago & will probably take one or two more sessions to color all up. It's the bust of the gypsy Medusa & her hair snakes hold all the keys to my brand- madness, movement, beauty, & business.
Rebel Circus: Did you decide you wanted to be a heavily tattooed girl or did it just kind of happen?
Jessica Kittredge: I suppose it just kind of happened. The more I got, the more I wanted & very quickly I knew that I didn't want to stop anytime soon. I plan of being as covered as possible!
Rebel Circus: Do you have a favourite tattoo artist you'd like to suggest to our readers?
Jessica Kittredge: My primary artist is my wonderful cousin Landon Mau, owner of Creations & Illustrations Tattoo Studio & Art Gallery in Benicia, CA
I've seen his skills progress so much, he's very light handed & quick! I'm ALWAYS beyond happy with his work & am lucky to call him family!
Jessica Kittredge Tattooed Model
Rebel Circus: We know that you do you are a hairstylist. Do you style your own hair in your photo shoots? What came first, hairstyling or modelling? What do you prefer doing?
Jessica Kittredge: Yes I do my own hair for about 95% of my shoots. I've been doing hair for 11 years now!
Modeling I did start at a young age but very casually and sparatically. I took classes at a agency in high school & dabbled with photoshoots in my early 20s but it's been just the last 3 years that I have been much more serious & began emerging in the alternative scene.
I absolutely don't prefer one over the other that's why I'm soooo busy, I want to do it all!!!
Rebel Circus: We understand you're also a makeup artist. Tell us more about Shaken Vanity Studios.
Jessica Kittredge: Shaken Vanity Studios encompasses me as a brand- Hairstylist/ Makeup artist/ Model/ Model coach etc... but more specifically showcases my work as a cosmetologist. My website is up with all my contact info & social media links but is under construction & will be a fully functional portfolio/ blog for clients, friends & fans to keep up with my travels & work. I post all my work on my IGs @shakenvanity13 (model) & @shakenvanitystudios (MUAH)
Rebel Circus: What do you hope comes next for your career?
Jessica Kittredge: I'm really having a great time, I try to keep realistic goals without hoping for too much. I like life to happen naturally & organically so I don't force it. I like to see where life takes me & soak up every minute, I'm always open to the next big adventure & opportunity! And really there are soooo many things I want to do like get back into acting, dancing & singing! The world is so big with so many great things to offer so I can't stop & won't stop!
Rebel Circus: What photo genre do you prefer? What is your favourite photo they've taken of you so far?
Jessica Kittredge: I think editorial style is really a good blend of fashion & fine art, you can go edgy or beauty. It's soooo hard to pick one favorite, I've worked with so many incredible photographers it just wouldn't be fair! ;)
Rebel Circus: Tell us a random fact about you.
Jessica Kittredge: I have a KISS tongue, can touch my nose with it lol
You can find Jessica on Facebook and on Instagram @shakenvanity13 . Don't forget to browse the gallery below for more Jessica awesomeness.

Rebel Girl: Poppy Del

Poppy Del is a gorgeous alternative tattooed model with mermaid hair and amazing makeup skills. She doesn't only enjoy modelling, but she's also studying hair and makeup artistry. Read the following interview to know more about this amazing First Nations woman.
Poppy Del Tattooed Model
When did you get your first tattoo/piercing? Did they have a particular meaning to you? 
I got my first tattoo almost 10 years ago. It's the leaves from AFI's album art for Sing the Sorrow on my ribs. It's cute, but it's in a prime spot so I might cover it up one day.
Do you regret any of your tattoos? 
Oh ya! When I was younger I didn't really know what I was into. So I got a lot of tattoos for the sake of getting tattooed, and the style doesn't suit my overall goal. I just had one covered up on my wrist - it was a little crown and wings that was ripped off the internet. Lame! I've had a few laser sessions done on another, and I'll likely ditch a couple other ones in the future.
Did you decide you wanted to be a heavily tattooed girl or did it just kind of happen? 
Hmm... I was more into piercings when I was a teenager, but then I just started getting little tattoos when I could. I was mostly broke and couldn't really afford to get tattooed for a long time. It wasn't really a decision I made, but I knew it would happen. Calling myself "heavily tattooed" still feels strange though. It's only been about 4 or 5 years since I got my first "visible" tattoo.
Do you have a favourite tattoo artist you'd like to suggest to our readers?
Oh shit. There's way too many - I usually just tell friends to check out tattooers I follow on Instagram. Hahaha. But if you haven't already you should check out Gwendolyn Williams at Painted Lotus in Victoria BC she did my chest and the new bits on my left arm, most of my right arm was done by Julie Bauschardt at D&M in Edmonton AB she does the cutest stuff, I got a sweet little kitty from Emily Shoichet from Empire in Victoria BC, my buddy Clark Macleod did both my shins - he's from Heroes and Villains in Calgary AB, and I'm dying to get something from Jessica Wright at Capital Tattoo in Edmonton AB.
Poppy Del Tattooed Model
We know that you also work as makeup artist and hair stylist, Do you style your own hair and do your own makeup in your photo shoots? What came first and what do you prefer, modelling or make up artistry? 
For my photo shoots I often do my own hair and make up, but I do work with a lot of hair stylist and makeup artists. I much prefer having others do my hair and make up, because it's less work for me at home and I'm selfish. Hahaha. Makeup artists always get funny when doing my makeup cause I do it as well, but I'm not picky at all and I'm always happy to learn tricks from people and chat products.
I started my make up business 4 years ago, and started modelling again shortly after. Mostly for fun and collaborating with friends but I do really love it! I couldn't choose makeup or modelling - I just love them both so much.
What do you hope comes next for your career?
Well I'm nearly done hair school and already do a lot of hair and make-up  for photo shoots and event styling, so I feel like thats something I'll always stick with. I also do a lot of extensions now - I just love turning ladies into mermaids. But my next endeavour I'd say will be more art related. I've been drawing for about 3 years now and I'm so passionate about it. I try to draw as often as I can, so pursuing art and tattooing is my biggest goal. Plus I'm getting old - so I should cut this modelling stuff out soon. Lol.
We understand you are a Native American. Tell us more about your origins and what do you bring with you in your everyday life. 
Sure am! My father is Cree First Nations, but I'm a bit of a Heinz 57 - Cree, German, Swedish, and Irish. I'm pretty proud to be Aboriginal, the culture is beautiful and my spirituality is largely reflected on that. Although I am not overly familiar with my aboriginal background its always been something I've wanted to dig into more. More than anything I want to do a sweat! I got to attend a peace pipe ceremony this summer - it was such a blessing and so uplifting. I'd love to experience things like that more often.
How did you end up in Vancouver?
Well I've officially been here for a year now. It started as a thought before I met my fella, I wanted to go to hair school and had the chance to have schooling funding being First Nations. When I met Josh we loosely talked about how we both wanted to move away from our home town, and his band wanted to move down too. It was kind of perfect. I love living here, I've made so many amazing friends through school, modelling, and makeup. Josh works at Adrenaline Tattoo and the people there are so rad! It's been such a good time. I feel like it's just been one big vacation.
If you want to know more about Poppy, check her Facebook page . As usual, check out the gallery below to see some amazing photos of the beautiful Poppy. The have all been recently published, so they are fresh and amazing!