Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Got Her #? Do THIS to Get a First Date Fast

how to flirt with a girl over text

How To Flirt With a Girl Over Text & Get Her Out on A Date With You–Is It Really This Easy?

Getting a woman’s phone number is a big accomplishment. I won’t deny that.
These days, going from “getting her #” to “getting her out on a date”… can feel nearly impossible.
Not only do girls play all sorts of texting “games”–but more and more girls decide to flake out and “ghost” for seemingly no reason.
I’m sick and tired of this happening!
So today, I want to show you how to avoid it, and what you can do to give yourself the best odds of getting a girl out on a date once you have her number.
Hi, I’m Glenn Pearce–and as part of my new series, Ask Glenn, I’m answering all of your most difficult, burning questions that keep you up at night.
And today, I’m answering this one:
“How do you get a girl out on a date once you have her #?”

Catch The Full Video Transcript Below…

OK, so you’ve got this girl’s phone number.
Now the next question is:
“How can I get her out on a date?”
Well, in reality, it’s pretty simple.
Obviously, you have to ask her out… but how?

1) Remind Her of the Man She Met (In Person)

What I like to do is this:
Once I get a girl’s phone number, I like to reinitiate our conversation. I like to remind her of the person she met.
What I mean by “remind her of the person she met” is that maybe we had some sort of commonality when we met.
Maybe we’re both vegetarian…
We do yoga…
We meditate…
Or we enjoy the same sports team…
Whatever. I like to remind her of something we shared in common from our first conversation.
Basically, I try to text her to get her into a better state of mind than the one she’s probably currently in.
Here’s the thing though:
I’m not looking for a “text friend” or a pen pal.
I want to know–are you into me, or not?
So here’s what I do next:

2) Ask Her Out Using This 6-Word Phrase…

After about 3-5 of these texts back and forth, I like to go ahead and ask her out.
I’ll say:
“Hey, what’s your week looking like?”
I don’t need to say anymore.
You don’t want to say things like, “Oh, we should go out and grab a bottle of wine…”
“Would you like to grab a cup of coffee sometime?”
Don’t do that–it gives her too much opportunity to object.
Instead, “What’s your week looking like?” is always your best bet. I’ll explain why in a second.

How To Tell if She’s Interested…

The reason this question is the best way to ask her out is that, most of the time, she’ll respond:
“Oh, I’m kind of free Wednesday or Thursday.”
And if she’s not free, she’ll say something like, “Oh, this week’s really bad.”
If she says that, then I say something like, “OK, well get back to me when you know your schedule.”
And then I’ll just leave the conversation alone.
Because essentially, I just asked her out. She knows this.
Usually, when girls respond like this, it means they’re not interested… however, this isn’t always the case.
So if she keeps saying she’s “busy”… or if she’s taking too long to respond to your messages… then there is one last thing you can try to get her out with you…
And it works a little something like this:

3) She’s Taking Too Long to Respond or Says She’s “Busy”? 5 Last Chance Messages to Force Instant Honest Replies

When a woman is “playing coy” with me over text… or taking hours to respond to the simplest questions… I won’t sit around & twiddle my thumbs waiting. F that.
Instead, I’ll send one of these 5 messages that tend to get an almost-immediate, truthful response.
Depending on your personality, one of these might work better than others (I usually get the best results with #4)… so just click the one you wanna know more about below:

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