Sunday, April 14, 2019

8 Arousal Techniques for When She’s “Not in the Mood”

Make Her Want Sex Even When She Says She’s “Not In The Mood”–Here’s How to Get Her Naked & On Top Of You Tonight
We’ve all heard it before:
“Sorry… I’m just not in the mood right now.”
Whether you’re with a woman you just started seeing, or you’re in a long-term relationship (or even if you’re married)… this can be hard to hear.
And a lot of guys simply shut down when they hear it.
They give up, and they think the right thing to do is “try again tomorrow.”
However, this is a HUGE mistake. And today, I’m going to show you why.
Because the truth is, there are a lot of reasons women say they’re “not in the mood”–and quite often, it has nothing to do with her not wanting to have sex with you.
That’s what I’m going to explain in today’s video.
I’ll show you the truth about why women say they’re “not in the mood,” plus my best techniques to turn the tables so she wants to have sex with you right away.
But before you check out the video to see exactly how to get sex whenever you want…
I want to share who I am for those who don’t know me.
Hi, I’m Glenn Pearce–and as part of my ongoing series, Ask Glenn, I’m answering all of your most difficult, burning questions that keep you up at night.
(I also write a lot about texting tips and tricks… like these 5 texts that get girls over to your place for sex right away.)
So join me every week as I answer your most important sex and dating questions…
And today, I’m answering this one:

“How do I get a girl to have sex with me if she says she’s ‘not in the mood’?”

make her want sex

In this video, I reveal how to get a girl to have sex with you when she’s not feeling it, PLUS:

  • The fastest way to get a woman naked & on top of you in bed without saying one word to her…
  • An in-depth look at the REAL reasons women say they’re not in the mood (and how you can still get sex out of it)…
  • How to avoid the #1 mistake men make when trying to seduce a woman (especially if it’s a long-term relationship)…
  • My personal experience with getting women who seem hesitant or even resistant to eagerly jump into bed with me…
  • The secret “seduction trick” women love but will never admit (this is crucial if you want same-night sex)…

How To Use These 8 Arousal Techniques to Get Sex TONIGHT…

Like I said in the video, getting a woman “in the mood” often boils down to 2 things:
Because yeah, if she comes home late and says she’s “really tired”… then sex probably isn’t going to be the first thing on her mind…
… but that doesn’t mean it’s off the table entirely!
So next time she’s “tired” when you want sex, here’s what to do:
Open up a bottle of wine (nothing fancy–she’ll appreciate the gesture no matter what it is)… maybe light a candle if you want…
… and then start kissing her on her neck VERY slowly.
It’ll probably feel way too slow for you at first (this is what most guys tell me)… but you’ll know it’s working when you hear her breathing heavier and leaning into you…
… and that’s when you want to work your way down these 8 arousal spots on her body.

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