Tuesday, April 2, 2019

8 Reasons Which Will Tell You Why Guys Love It When You Orgasm

8 Reasons Guys Love it When You Orgasm
This brief article is written for the women out there. There are a few things you should know about men today, things that you might have misunderstood about them specifically. We’re going to frankly discuss the 8 reasons guys love it when you orgasm, that’s correct.
So listen up ladies.

It Makes Them Feel Like A Man

Well most women probably already know this first one, or it should be obvious to them. Men love the feeling of being manly; it lifts their self-esteem and nurtures their primal instincts. So let them know when you orgasm ladies, nothing gives them a shot of testosterone quite like it. When they feel like a man, they will try to be the best man they can sexually, mentally, physically and spiritually for you.

You Are More Outgoing Afterwards

Whenever a women orgasm, the release is so strong that they lose much of their inhibitions. Whatever you do after having an orgasm, you will do with more vim and vigor. You will become more outgoing from the male point of view, so utilize this to enhance your sex life. Use this burst of outgoing energy to be the woman your man dreams of in bed.

It Lets Them See Your Wild Side

Men often perceive women as gentle or breakable, but are surprised by their unleashed wild side. An orgasmic woman shows a very sexy and sensual side of herself, one that is usually reserved only for sexual activities.

You Are More Vulnerable Afterwards

Believe it or not, vulnerability is a huge turn on for most men. It shows males that feminine side they have always been taught women have. It isn’t a crime to show your vulnerability, especially when it immediately follows having an orgasm.

It Helps Them Get Turned On

Men get turned on majorly by seeing you get off well. It helps them maintain a constant erection and stimulates the brain sexually. Since men are primarily visual in stimulation, a great deal of their sexual interaction is activated by seeing things first hand. Nothing is more stimulating than seeing a woman getting off, for some men it is the ultimate turn on.

You Are More Turned On Afterwards

The same things stated above, generally are true for women too. Except that women are more about emotional intimacy. Letting a man go down on her is a very intimate activity, so when it leads to an actual orgasm, no other experience can compare. Since you are more turned on sexually after you have an orgasm, why not follow through and have the hot sex it invites.

It Lets Them Know You Came

This is a big one ladies, you never have to worry about being asked if you came. Just tell your lover it happened and that it was amazing. Letting men know that you achieved orgasm is a powerful thing, so be communicative about it. There is no reason to hold back about it. In fact, many women think faking orgasms is just as good as having one, at least for their male lovers. Men will get an ego boost just believing they gave their lady the big O. The power of suggestion is amazing, isn’t it?

You Are More Likely To Want Sex

Women need to know, men want to give you an orgasm, so that you will want more sex. Oral sex or any sex will do, just give it to them. You know that you are more likely to want sex after an orgasm, so have it with the man you love. Your body is more lubricated and ready for love making, plus it will be more enjoyable after you cum.

In Conclusion

If you didn’t know it before, now you do. Guys love it when you orgasm. For most men, it is among their favorite events in sexual activity. Understanding what your orgasm means to your male lover will help to enhance many areas of your sex life. Taking the time to understand how men think about the female orgasm, will also help you relate to your male lover better. Since women like to enjoy sex too, it only makes sense that guys love doing it with them. Enjoy ladies.

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