Thursday, April 25, 2019

5 Pickup Lines Every Man Must Avoid

Discover the 5 Things You Should Never Say To A Woman–Are These Little-Known Mistakes Killing Your Chances?

Having a good conversation starter is one of the easiest ways to set yourself up for success with a woman.
But sometimes, it can be hard to tell what she wants to hear — will she respond to a simple “Hey”? Or maybe she needs something more witty and “charming.”
Though if you do try and say something witty or charming, there’s always a chance that the line just won’t land…
Which begs the question: Are there certain conversation starters, or “pickup lines” that almost never work? And if so, what are they?
Well a while ago, I sent out an email asking what you want to know most about sex and dating, from a female’s perspective.
And every week, these 4 gorgeous women and I choose one of your questions to answer in a video.
So in this week’s video, we’re answering this:

“What’s the worst pickup line you’ve ever heard ? Why was it so bad?”

things you should never say to a woman

In this video, 4 women reveal the worst pickup lines they’ve ever heard, plus:

  • Why these 3 little words will almost always kill your chances…
  • A step-by-step method to start a conversation with her the “right” way…
  • The bizarre reason why saying this to a woman is a HUGE turn-off…
  • The #1 way to get a gorgeous woman to approach YOU
  • How this simple compliment could be taken the wrong way (93% of men make this mistake!)…

A Drug Store Was the LAST Place I Expected a Gorgeous Woman to Come Onto Me…

And at 9 freakin’ AM?! But there was no doubt about it… she had given me 3 of her “Sex Signs.”
I was there to get some dish soap… and then I noticed her… a super cute “girl next door” type.
I made a point not to stare… because I didn’t want her to think I was “creepy”… but then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw it: I was almost positive she had given me Sign #1. Nice.
I pretended to look for paper towels, so I could get closer to her… yes!! Her feet were giving me Sign #2. By that point I was pretty sure she was into me.
And a few seconds later, as I reached down to pick up a tube of mascara she had dropped, she gave me Sign #3, and said:
“Oh hey, thanks…I’m Carly by the way. I don’t usually do this, but uh…would you want to get coffee with me sometime?”

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