Sunday, April 28, 2019

3 Subtle Signs She Wants to Kiss You

signs she wants to kiss you

She Might Be Dying to Be With You — Here’s How to Tell…

A first kiss can be really exciting…
But with a new woman, it can be really hard to tell how she’ll respond if you just “go for it.”
And because of this, a lot of guys miss out on huge opportunities just because they aren’t sure how to read her signals.
Well, a while ago, I sent out an email asking for your single most pressing question about sex and dating.
And every week, my mentors and I choose one of your questions to answer in a video.
This week, we’re answering this:

“How can I tell if a girl wants to kiss me?”

In this video, my mentors and I show you the 3 subtle signs she wants to kiss you, plus:

  • David’s #1 secret to knowing exactly when she wants you without ever risking rejection…
  • The subtle “test” you can give her to figure out her intentions…
  • Why women who want to kiss you make THIS bizarre kind of eye contact…
  • A step-by-step method to determine the exact moment she wants to kiss you…
  • How to use this “hand trick” to make her want you BAD
  • 2 little-known signs she wants to ravish you right there

That Time a Beautiful Stranger Gave Me Her Number…

I was on the train a while back…just minding my business…
When this gorgeous girl sits next to me…alright man, keep it together. Be cool.
I pretend to look at something on my phone, but I can’t focus…she keeps fidgeting. Her long, tan legs crossing…uncrossing…playing with her bracelet…was she OK? Did she have to use the bathroom or something?
Before I had the chance to figure it out, I felt a tap on my shoulder — “Hey…I don’t normally do this…but I’m Ashley. What’s your name?”
We talked for a few minutes…but my stop was coming. She gave me her number, and as I was walking off of the train she said something that stopped me dead in my tracks:
“I thought I was going to have to whistle to get your attention! I was giving you all the signs…”
Huh? WHAT signs??
Well, the next time we met up, I made her show me…all 7 of her hidden “sex signs”…
They’re subtle body language clues women use to practically scream, “Take me home and ravage me NOW!” with their bodies…
…so if you spot them, you know with nearly 100% certainty that she wants you bad…

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