Monday, May 27, 2019

Apparently There's A Nasal Gel That Can Help Women Orgasm

There's Now A Nasal Gel To Help Women Who Can't OrgasmThe nose knows.
It's no secret and no urban myth, that the female orgasm can be something of a rare triumph for some ladies. But there's hope!
The pharmaceutical corporation Acerus has been working hard on testing its new drug that releases testosterone into the nasal cavity, which, at increased levels, is associated with an increased chance of orgasm. They call this drug Tefina, a name necessarily girly for its function.
Geared specifically at women who suffer from Female Orgasmic Disorder, Tefina is meant not only to increase the pleasure of sex with higher numbers of orgasms but also to mollify the distress many women feel about their inability to reach climax.
Acerus' experimentation of Tefina gave more than 250 women suffering from FOD one of three dosages of Tefina, or a placebo. After 84 days, they not only noticed that the patients who were given Tefina had a higher average of orgasms than those given the placebos, but also that there were absolutely no adverse side effects evident.
Although the creators of Tefina are definitely interested in making "bed-time" (wink wink) more fun, they are mainly taking the reigns on treating the underrated trouble that women face due to FOD, which is the second most prevalent female sexual disorder. About 20% of women admit to difficulty achieving orgasm, and a quarter of that percentage faces distress over it.  
"There are no approved pharmacological treatment options, leaving an unmet need that Tefina hopes to remedy," stated Dr. Sheryl Kingsberg, not only a researcher of Tefina's clinical trials but also a professor of reproductive biology and psychiatry in Ohio.
As experimentation with Tefina continues, us girls longingly await it to hit the shelves. Until then, we shall continue to take notes from the best faker around, Meg Ryan. Once Tefina gets approved, she'll want to have what we're having.

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