Thursday, May 2, 2019

5 Easy Ways to Command a Room and Catch Any Woman’s Attention

How to Get Her Attention

How to Get Her Attention Every Time Without Missing a Beat or Falling on Your Face…

Ever have that moment when you’re on a date and you realize you lost her attention?
You’re trying to hold her gaze and keep her interested…
But then you see her…
And she’s looking at another man.
It happened the moment he walked into the room.
You notice the most beautiful women start inching closer to him, flipping their hair…
Gently swaying their hips to the music…
And smiling in his general direction.
Even the girl you’re with forgets you exist — she’s just as hypnotized as everyone else.
This guy is what I like to call the “King of the Beasts.”
Now here’s another scenario:
Ever have a moment when you try to approach a woman, but she ends up talking to another guy?
You buy her a drink, but she already has one — that guy bought it for her while you were still waiting at the bar.
You try to talk to her about her day, but that guy told her a joke and she can’t stop giggling.
You walk over to ask her to dance, but that guy has his arms draped around her and they’re taking selfies.
There’s seemingly nothing you can do to get her attention because that guy is pulling out all the stops — and he’s doing it effortlessly.
In this scenario, you, my friend, are what I call the “Cowardly Lion.”

The King of the Beasts Vs. the Cowardly Lion

How did this happen when you were standing there the entire time?
You felt like you were doing everything you could to get her attention and start talking to her…
But in the end, your actions sabotaged your intentions.
Let me explain.
You can come up with a whole list of excuses for why what you did just didn’t work out:
  • You were just getting her a drink…
  • You only turned away for a few seconds…
  • You were just thinking about what to say next to impress her…
You were just distracted for a moment, but that’s all it takes to sabotage yourself. And that’s when the King of the Beasts swoops in.
When you feel unsure of yourself, nervous or afraid, your actions will always reinforce that.
But here’s something most men don’t realize:
If you start acting like you’re confident and sure of yourself, you’ll start to feel that way, too.
There are five simple things you can do that will make you not just look like the King of the Beasts in any room, but feel that way as well.
Don’t make her think you’re just another Cowardly Lion…
Here’s how to tame your doubts and unleash the beast that’s been inside you all along.
How to Get Her Attention

5 Ways to Command a Room and Catch Her Attention Every Time

1) Psych yourself up and get your head in the game.

The first thing you should do when you walk into a room is focus on stepping out of your comfort zone.
“Why do I want to step out of my comfort zone?”
Acknowledging your own discomfort is the first step to harnessing your inner beast.
Let yourself feel the adrenaline rush, and welcome your own anxiety. Channel it into your own sexual energy.
This is also the time when you want everyone to be looking at you. Find a truth about yourself that would command respect, and focus on that.
It can be related to work…
Your family…
A friend…
Think of one moment of success you had solving a problem or fixing something, and focus on it.
Imagine that everyone knows about your past success wants your help. Focus on how good that feels inside your body, and allow yourself to enjoy that feeling of being noticed and wanted.
You may even have a natural smile or energy about you because you feel so good about yourself.
Let your past success inspire you to get your mind ready for success right now.

2) Become familiar with your surroundings.

Take stock of who is around you. Pay attention to what’s holding their attention at any given moment.
Are the women huddled together talking, or are they dispersed and looking like they might be interested in you?
Do they look easily distracted or are they deep in conversation?
Look for a woman who’s alone and not too busy. This is the woman you want to engage first.
Now, approaching an attractive woman can be a stressful thing to do — that’s why you should check out these tips for how to easily get over your fear of approaching hot women first.
Once you approach her, talk to her about a subject that either you or she is an expert in.
Are you an amateur cook with a knowledge that rivals Gordon Ramsay’s?
Talk to her about food.
Do you notice her sense of style is beyond impeccable?
Ask her about a specific accessory.
If you can’t think of anything to talk about, just observe your surroundings! It doesn’t have to be complicated, clever, or perfect.
The key is to only talk to her for a minute or two — don’t fully invest yourself in the first woman you approach.
After your first conversation, speak with other people — both men and women — nearby. This will help you establish familiarity with where you are so the woman you end up going after feels more comfortable with you.
This will also allow you to escape a conversation if you notice it falling apart or lose interest.
By “working the room,” so to speak, you establish your own dominance. Women will notice and be drawn to this.

3) Stay present.

Most people know that having a conversation involves more than one person talking…
But you also have to be an active listener.
Be sure to ask questions…
Make sounds in agreement…
Actively respond to what people are saying, and you’ll naturally become part of the conversation.
If you do disagree with what someone says, keep it light and just “agree to disagree.”
A great way to convey this is by saying, “It’s all good.”
This is your chance to be open and curious — and by being more open and observational, you’ll be able to notice more women noticing you.
Do not take this time to go into your head and second-guess what you did, are doing or what you plan to do.
Remember, your doubt and uncertainty will read in your actions, so try and ignore these feelings as best you can.
The best way to do this is to stay in the moment. Ground your feet and keep them still.
Shifting your weight is a sign of nervousness or a need to use the bathroom, so by keeping your feet still, you’re telling your body not to act nervous.
This will help you calm your nerves in your mind so you no longer feel nervous.
Breathe slowly and softly through your nose, and above all, remember to smile — especially if you make eye contact with a beautiful woman.

4) Find opportunities.

Always be on the lookout for anything you can do that will benefit another person and get you an “in” to talk to them.
For example, if you’re at a bar, ask yourself:
  • Are there seats available?…
  • Are there drink specials?…
  • Is there a contest at the bar?…
  • Does anyone need their picture taken?…
If there’s one last seat at the bar, walk over and offer it to a girl nearby instead of sitting in it yourself.
If there are drink specials, take advantage of them by buying two and offering one to a woman nearby because you “can’t have all the fun by yourself.”
Look for opportunities that will help the people around you enjoy the night more, and you’ll end up enjoying the night more yourself.
This is effectively your way of becoming the “host” of the party — again, asserting your dominance — without having to take responsibility for any of the cleanup afterward.

5) Be flexible.

If at any point in the time you are beginning to stress out, remember: This is supposed to be fun.
If you aren’t enjoying yourself, then neither will the person talking to you.
And that’s fine! You have to be willing to let go and move on.
Part of being the King of the Beasts is realizing that you don’t have to talk to one person or stay in one place all night long.
There is no need to commit to anything.
So if you put in the effort — psyching yourself up, working the room, staying present, and finding opportunities — but you can’t seem to get anything out of it…
You can always say thank you and goodnight…but don’t let it stop you from trying again.
The ultimate difference between the King of the Beasts and the Cowardly Lion is that the King knows he’s the King and the other is growing into one.
But a Cowardly Lion will never become the King of the Beasts if he stops practicing or is too scared to try again.
By practicing these steps over and over, you’ll eventually become your own King of the Beasts — all it takes is time.

Here Are Your Next Steps

So now you know how to look like the King of the Beasts even if you don’t feel that way…
But there are a few other, more specific things you can do to make yourself stand out from the sea of men trying to get a woman’s attention.
That’s why Craig sat down with Magic to make this video detailing how you can look like the King of the Beasts no matter where you are.
By using Magic’s tips in this video, you’ll make women wonder:
  • “Who is he, and how can I talk to him?”…
  • “I wonder what he’s like in bed…Maybe I should find out…”
  • “What can I do to get him over here right now?”…
And these tips and tricks require almost no effort!
So here’s what to do: just click here to watch Magic’s video, and you’ll be taking home hotter women than you ever thought possible in no time.

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