Friday, May 31, 2019

6 Things You NEED To Know For The Best Orgasms Of Your Life

6 Surprising And Super Sexy Facts About OrgasmsThe path to climax is paved with perplexities, possibly some muscle cramps, awkward silences, or the even more awkward opposite of too much talking. What makes an orgasm go from OH to Oh NO?
The wonderment of multiple orgasms, that poor soul who can never experience sex’s crowning glory, clitoral stimulation trumps intercourse alone — we’ve all heard these orgasmic truisms before. Yet there are still several wow factors that might surprise you about those special few seconds.
Here are six shockers about sexual release you probably didn't know ... until now.
1. There is something known as a "coregasm."
By now, we all know there’s more than one path that leads to an orgasm — I mean, you have nearly a dozen erogenous zones to choose from. What you probably didn’t realize is a good core workout could be your ticket to climax.
Scientists attribute this pleasure phenomenon experienced by some women to pelvic muscle contractions, tension build-up in the legs and abdomen, nerve impulses, or a combination thereof. Whatever the reason, who cares? The Big O in exchange for a smaller waist? I’ll take it! 
2. Women have been known to "birthgasm."
If you didn’t actually get to experience sexual satisfaction the night of conception, just wait until the product of your love (or lust) is about to arrive.
Turns out, some women get that orgasmic experience they’ve been waiting on nine months later, moments before delivery. New mother’s glow and the orgasmic afterglow.
Yup, it can all add up to that awkward moment when labor screams turn into orgasmic moans.
3. 'Thinking' yourself off is real!
They say if you want something bad enough, it will come. Apparently, the same can be said for your climax.
Experts say that by using a combination of visualization, counting, and giving themselves permission to be pleasured, women can actually achieve orgasm not just in bed, but in their own head.
Remember, practice makes perfect!
4. Volume matters.
Looking for ways to turn up the heat in the bedroom? Try turning up the volume.
Incorporating high pitched noises into your tantric playtime brings sexual energy to your throat, chest, and head. Lower pitches bring your lower body sexual pleasure. 
Try it to turn your volume in the bedroom from zero to "OH!"
5. Excessive pleasure leads to excessive pillow talk.
Do you find yourself turning into a Chatty Cathy after the post-climax collapse? That urge to purge your feelings following sexual satisfaction is actually your body purging a neurochemical called oxytocin. The natural high rushing in with a flood of hormones makes excessive pillow talk seem like a great idea.
Stick to spooning (it’ll have the same effect) until the morning after, and then re-evaluate your desire to dish out the feelings.
6. Pleasure isn't universal.
While the tabloids and sex scandals gone viral on the Internet may lead you to believe otherwise, America’s sex life is less than orgasmic.
When it comes to the frequency, variety, and satisfaction rate of the average American’s sexual encounters, our nation’s risqué reputation does not compare to the friskiness of Brazil or Israel.
As a leading world power, it’s about time we rise to the occasion in the bedroom too!

5 Steps To Vibrator-Free Masturbation

How To Orgasm During Masturbation Without Using A Sex ToyFor women, masturbation is the first step to a great sex life.
A chief aspect of a healthy sex life is a taboo topic for women, and routine for men: masturbation. Perhaps if female genitalia were as exposed as male bits masturbation would not be such an esoteric concept to some women.
Most women cringe at the word masturbation and its euphemisms. I like to keep it classy and describe this intimate, personal act as solo love. Because ultimately, if you do not love yourself as a person and know how to love yourself sexually, how can you possibly have pleasurable sex with a partner?Here's the answer: you can't. So starting today, I am campaigning for a battery-free solo love zone.
We live in a technology-obsessed society. Devices have infiltrated our bedrooms and caused a great deal of pleasure, but also a lot of intimidation and confusion. Have you ever gone shopping for a sex toy? Even the stores are overwhelming. From the Silver Bullet vibrator to the Jack Rabbit, the evolving technology of sex toys has frightened women out of exploring and enjoying solo love. 
I'm not against vibrators. In a pinch, sex toys can be useful. However, some women become too dependent and start to avoid real tactile stimulation, denying themselves the joy and sensation of their own touch. You have the power to transform your sex life! We were born with fingers for a reason.
There is nothing more empowering than masturbating without the aid of an electronic device. The only way you can truly know yourself sexually is to touch the beautiful gifts you were born with. Ladies, we are so lucky. Men are not able to have lengthy, mind-blowing multiple orgasms. This is the pulsating power of our underground world. So toss your batteries and start exploring.
Here are 5 simple steps to show you how to orgasm without the help of a sex toy.
1. Start with some landscaping.

Don't go crazy; try a nice buzz cut. Leave the Brazilian landscaping for later. Furthermore, you don’t want to contend with the itching related to re-growth. The idea is to make your gem more accessible for pleasure. 
2. Break out a compact mirror.

Have you ever truly admired yourself? Do you know where everything is positioned? Do you know how wonderful our underground world is? Grab a mirror and take the time to get to know your sexual environment. And while you’re there, enjoy your new landscape.
3. Touch yourself.

Set aside time to reconnect to your sexual source. By exploring and understanding your erogenous zones, you will be able to direct your partner and be more receptive to receiving his or her touch. 
4. Be patient.

Solo love is a true art form, and like any art, mastery takes time. Relax and enjoy. If applicable, set the mood with some wine or music. Use lube if you need a jump-start. There's no need to be shy, it's just you. Do whatever it takes to put yourself in the moment to masturbate.  
5. Practice, practice, practice.

This is not a one-shot-deal. Solo love is something to be incorporated into your sexual routine. The more you practice, the more proficient you will be. And with proficiency comes the ability to communicate your preferences to your partner. 
Just talking about masturbation is beneficial. A conversation will demystify the process and start to remove the taboo feelings. Remember, solo love is the gateway to loving yourself, loving your body, and having an amazing orgasm.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

You Really Can Think Yourself To Orgasm — And It's SPECTACULAR!

Try These 2 Methods For A Hands Free Orgasm (With Your Mind)Bonus: Two simple methods you can try at home!
What’s the most powerful aphrodisiac? It’s not chocolate or oysters, it’s your mind!
Your brain is directly connected to your sexuality. When people deal with sexual anxiety, shame, or guilt, their bodies often can’t perform sexually.
So it also makes sense that you can make yourself orgasm just from the power of your mind!
Yes, that means having an orgasm without any touching at all.
You have probably heard about this phenomenon, whether it was through a Lady Gaga interview, the show Strange Sex, or one of your friends who is super into tantra. You probably think it’s total bullshit or something only a few lucky people can do.
Well, I’m here to tell you that anyone can do it!
It’s a skill, just like learning to ride your bike. You may have a hard time getting there at first, but the more you practice, the better you’ll become.
You may be wondering if this type of orgasm feels different than your normal run of the mill orgasm. The answer is yes. Instead of feeling a quick, grand release in your genitals, you feel pleasure throughout your entire body for a longer time. This orgasm is like a valley as opposed to a peak orgasm. Instead of feeling exhausted after your orgasm, you’ll feel energized!
So let’s get to the good part — learning how to do it!
Here are two different ways to approach "thinking yourself off." 
1. The first way to have a hands-free orgasm is a form of meditation.
  • Believe it’s possible. 
When Barbara Carrellas, expert and teacher of this type of orgasm, orgasmed without touching herself in an MRI, the same parts of her brain lit up that do from any other type of orgasm. Carrellas has said that anyone can learn how to do this. If you don’t believe you can orgasm this way, it’ll never happen. Let yourself believe you are capable of this, because you are.
  • Breathe deeply. 
Focus on your breath by expanding your belly as you breathe in and letting all that air out again as you breathe out.
  • Make noise. 
Sigh as you breathe out or say anything that feels freeing to you. For instance, you can repeat “freedom" or “let go” as you breathe out.
  • Get comfortable. 
Lie on your back in bed. You can bend your legs or keep them straight, whichever is most comfortable for you.
  • Let yourself feel deeply. 
This is not about being turned on from external factors such as sexual images or fantasies. This is about looking within yourself. Let yourself feel any emotion that comes up, whether it’s happiness, sadness, or a new emotion you didn’t even know you could feel.
  • Move your hips. 
Move your hips upward as you breath out and move your hips downward as you breathe in. Get in a rhythm and continue.
  • Surrender. 
Let yourself totally let go as you lose yourself in this practice. Let your body feel this new type of pleasure.
Don’t worry if you don’t orgasm.
This takes practice, just like learning how to orgasm from touch.
Some may not orgasm the first few times or many times but that doesn’t mean it’ll never happen.
2. The second way to use your mind to reach orgasm is more sexual.
  • Believe it’s possible.
See Step 1 above!
  • Get your body turned on. 
If you’re not already turned on, move your hips up and down to get the blood flowing.
  • Pick your fantasy. 
Think of a scenario that turns you on without judging yourself. The same fantasy that helps you orgasm while you masturbate will help you orgasm this way as well.
  • Imagine you’re being stimulated in a way that brings you to orgasm. 
If you orgasm from having your clit rubbed a certain way, imagine that happening in the fantasy and imagine what it feels like. If you feel your body react to this, keep imagining it happening consistently.
  • Surrender. 
Once again, the same as Step 7 above!
This sexual super power will bring you one more step closer to reaching your full potential as the goddess you are.
It can be hard to unlearn how we are taught to think about sex.
We have so much more sexual potential than many know is possible, and this is only one example of that. We have the potential to have meaningful and magical experiences through sex.
Once you open your mind, your whole sex life can transform!