Wednesday, August 21, 2019

My Husband and I Tried an Online Orgasm Workshop—and Didn't Hate It

online orgasm workshop
You know sex ed classes have come a long way when Emma Watson admits in a public talk with Gloria Steinem that she paid ($29, to be exact) for access to OMGYes. It's a new interactive web platform that uses video tutorials and "touchable technology" to help teach the 12 most common ways that women experience and intensify their pleasure through clitoral stimulation.
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Users first watch videos of real women explaining how eachmanual technique (such as layering, in which the hood above the clitoris is touched, or orbiting, which involves continuous circular movements) works to get them off. This is followed by another video of that woman demo'ing it on herself (yes, you see her vag), and finally, a high-tech simulation video, in which users can try the technique (using their fingers on their touchscreen device) on the woman's vagina, which responds to touch and gives audio feedback (like, "Mmm, that's better"). Meg, a newlywed, started using the service solo, and later, with her husband, shortly after it launched last December. Her thoughts:


"My husband and I usually talked about sexin such an abstract way—it's tough when you don't have a lot of vocabulary to work with. I like that this program gives you specific words to use for techniques. It's helpful to watch the videos on your own and think about which moves might work for you.
But it's also been nice to sit down with my husband and be able to point to a move and say 'Yep, that,' or 'Nope to that.' He was totally open to trying the program with me. It's a weird form of foreplay, but it definitely helps put us in the mood. It's really opened up the conversation and made it easier to talk about sex, which has made it easier for him to replicate/try things out."


So, is this for you? To be clear, this is drastically different from learning through porn, since it's based on actual research on over 1,000 real women. OMGYes's founders Rob Perkins and Lydia Daniller liken it to going online to look up a new recipe. "No one says, 'I already know them all.' Of course, there are always more to explore."
Plus, as sex therapist and K-Y intimacy expert Laura Berman, L.C.S.W., Ph.D., points out, understanding your own anatomy and physiology is invaluable, need-to-know info. If you’re like, ahem, that’s me, then it’s about time you registered for a class like this one. Then, break out that nifty hand mirror. Berman suggests using a lubricant, like K-Y Touch 2-in-1 Massage Crème & Pleasure Gel ($12.76,, to enhance the feel-good sensations of your manual stroking until you find a rhythm and speed that sends you over the edge.

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