Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Unfinished Business: 7 Reasons You're Not Getting Off

laying in bed
Why, oh why, is it so hard for some women to orgasm?
If you're not having an orgasm during sex, that's OK. Well, not OK in that you're going without such a fantastic pleasure, but OK in that you're definitely not alone. There are many women out there who don't orgasm as often as they should, and some who just never get there at all.

Studies have shown that only 25 percent of women orgasm during sex, 75 percent require some sort of extra stimulation, like toys, fingers or tongue to climax, and 10 to 15 percent never, ever have orgasm at all. Ever. Those are not very pretty stats, especially since 75 percent of men claim to orgasm all the time. (So unfair, isn't it?) But why, oh why, is it so hard for some women to orgasm?

While the female orgasm is still somewhat of a mystery, doctors and scientists have figured out a few reasons why women aren't climaxing, from stress to your high heels. Of course, unless you're dealing with a medical issue that's preventing you from having an orgasm, every woman's reason as to why they are not, is different. If you're having a hard time reaching an orgasm either alone or with your partner, here are seven possible reasons why.

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