Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Beyond Orgasm—Creating True Intimacy, Sexuality & Love

Simple and Powerful Questions for Immediately Deepening Your Intimacy and Sexuality
Relationships can truly be the source of our greatest pleasures in life. I am truly committed to helping people discover that they actually have the power to create such profoundly loving and nurturing relationships.
In my first three articles I’ve discussed the transformational process of getting out of the box, and accessing your true self that is always waiting to be expressed.  This is true for everyone—especially you!!
My greatest hope and passion is that you and the rest of the world finally realize that our true humanity is lying just below the surface, waiting to be set free. It is up to us to recognize it, accept it, release it, and express it. That’s the real reason I wrote my book, Out of the Box for Life (HarperCollins).
When we recognize that this place inside is always available, and is our deepest expression, it becomes our responsibility, not only to ourselves, but more importantly to each other, to live from this realization.
Now that you have learned about accessing your true self, I want to focus in the next few articles specifically on using this process to create the most loving, accepting, anger-free, and intimate relationships that are possible for you. And I want to start with a new possibility for intimacy and sexuality that you may have experienced before, and which is always possible when you connect with your deepest self—your true self--and the deepest self of the other. It’s an amazing possibility, and it can be yours for the asking!
Deepening Your Intimacy and Sexuality
Our ego is fully invested in keeping us comfortably safe and distant from others. In that separation, it is secure and protected because, like armor, it keeps out any threat of hurt or disappointment. Because of this we often settle for so little, especially in our most treasured relationships.
Perhaps you have not realized that so much more exists. Perhaps you are afraid. You simply have not realized what is possible, and therefore accept an intimacy and a sexuality that emanates from your ego, and from your sense of separation. This denies the possibility of true intimacy, except at those wondrous moments in your life when you feel “at one” with another. I invite you to explore much deeper levels of oneness in your lovemaking.
Simple and Powerful Questions for Immediately Deepening Your Intimacy and Sexuality
Here is the way I would describe those amazing moments:
You know there is no difference between you as you merge into one. You trust this powerful force of love as it envelopes you. It takes you for a ride that feels like you are floating in the sky. You are weightless, and safe and full of love. You surrender into a place of trust. All you are is the deepest expression of love. Nothing more, nothing less. Once you enter this place, you know it is real and that it is the most wonderful gift you could share with another. Wherever you are in your intimacy at each moment is the perfect place to be. You need nothing more, and nothing could possibly be missing.

At these special moments when your ego recedes, and your true self is expressed, you see that your perception of reality has always been terribly mistaken. There is really no separation between us. You can know this very deeply, and with absolute faith. How different life would be, if only you could consistently tap into that place. I suggest you can!
This is also a state that you can experience within yourself, when the sense of separation from life falls away, and you know you are exactly where you need to be, and nothing can be more perfect than that moment. That is the deepest expression of being out of the box--of being fully human--and being part of the process of life itself moving forward.

What if we came to relationships from this part of ourselves, how much more satisfaction and love could you bring? How much more accepting and content would you be? How would you resolve issues that arose? How outrageous would that be to connect on that level?

I want to invite you to discover new possibilities for yourself and for your partner. And amazingly, even if you can’t discuss it together, you can enter this realm within yourself, and its power, and absolutely compelling nature, might just open the door to their experiencing it as well. I know that this is real and true.

When you recognize what is truly possible in your sexuality, which is so far beyond orgasm, simply by accessing your true self, it is amazing that until now we have settled for something so much less!

Twelve Simple and Powerful Questions for Deepening Your Intimacy and Sexuality

Here are twelve out of the box questions that can lead you to this place within yourself, and together. I suggest that you think about each one deeply from your true self. Any one of them can take you to this profound place where an entirely new possibility for intimacy and passion can be shared.

If I surrendered to the energy of love, where would it take me? Would I completely let go?
If I were fully in my heart, how would my body express itself? How would my body express my love?

If my body took me where it wanted to go, where would that be?

If we were one, how would that be expressed? Do the thoughts in my mind recede?

Can I see how this sense of oneness would be so far beyond orgasm?

If I were free, could I bear to be out of control? Could I trust the great mystery of life that much? Will I do it?

If I felt no self-consciousness and no sense of limitation, what would I express?

What if I choose to trust myself and another as never before? What would that mean?
How would that feel? How would I be?

What if I knew I was completely safe? How would I respond?

How can I give completely? How can I fully receive? What if there were no separation between us? What would that reveal?

What if I trusted that even without words, we were feeling the exact same sense of oneness?

What if I trusted that at the moment of true intimacy, I was exactly where I needed to be, and so was my partner? How would that be?

I hope you get out on the skinny branches, and respond with a sense of abandon, fearlessly and with passion. It is only then that you might achieve the states of oneness, intimacy, and sexuality that you are designed to express, and designed to share.

Finally, I am still offering my e-book for just $2.99! You can download it here on my site.

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