Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How Many Times Can Someone with a Vagina Come in a Row?

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How many times?
A person who has a vagina may be able to come anywhere from one to five times in a single session from any type of stimulation.
Some people suggest that this figure may be even higher.
You may be able to meet or even best these numbers, but every person is different. One may be enough, or you may desire a few.
However, ejaculation and orgasm — with masturbation or partner sex — should never hurt. If you experience pain, pump the brakes.
Read on to learn more about why some people can have more than one orgasm, why that isn’t the same thing as ejaculation, and more.

Having multiple orgasms in a single session is actually fairly common
For many people, achieving one orgasm during a sexual encounter is sufficient.
For others, the romp may not be finished until a few more tally marks are on the board. Each person is different.
One small studyTrusted Source found that more than one-third of participants reported having multiple orgasms.
So it is possible to have, and many people do experience, multiple orgasms in one single session.
This may be achieved through a wide variety of erogenous touch, including clitoral stimulation and vaginal or anal penetration.

That’s because most folks with vulvas have a shorter refractory period
Individuals who have a vagina have a bit of an evolutionary advantage over people with penises: They can “recover” faster from an ejaculation or orgasm.
This recovery period is also known as a refractory period.
In the seconds and minutes after ejaculation or orgasm, your body sends out a rush of neurotransmitters that help it stabilize.
After that period of time passes, you may be able to achieve orgasm or ejaculation again.
This allows you to be orgasm-ready in a shorter period of time than someone who has a penis.

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It also depends on what you mean by ‘come’
Ejaculation and orgasm are frequently conflated as one event, but it’s possible to orgasm without ejaculating or vice versa.
An orgasm is an intense surge in sensitivity and sensations.
Muscles contract, heart rate increases, and blood pressures rises. The pleasure is quite intense, and it usually precedes ejaculation.
For folks with a vagina, ejaculation occurs when a liquid is expelled from the urethra during sexual arousal.
In a volunteer sampleTrusted Source from 1984, about 126 out of 233 vulva-having participants (54 percent) said they’d experienced ejaculation at least once.
However, what’s common for one person may not be for another, so don’t stress it if you’ve never experienced this before.

There’s also a difference between having multiple Os and stacking them
Some people experience several distinct orgasms in one session. They may be separated by several minutes or more.
Others may experience a continuous orgasmic state, also known as “stacking orgasms.”
This state of hyperarousal is difficult to achieve, but if you’re up for playing around and trying things, it may be worth the effort.

If you want to go for more than one O, try this
Getting to the point where you can have multiple orgasms can take some time, but these techniques may help.
Give edging a shot
Also known as the start-stop method, edging brings you to the brink — or edge — of orgasm. Then you stop what you’re doing.
You can do other activities, as long as they don’t cause an orgasm. You can wait a few minutes for your body to cool down, then begin again.
This form of orgasm control may help you have a more pleasurable orgasm, as well as increase your stamina so you can better control your orgasm in any session.
But keep in mind, the more you delay, the more sensitive you may become. That can make stopping in time difficult.
Explore other stimuli
Despite what TV and other media may suggest, few people are able to climax through vaginal penetration alone. Clitoral stimulation is usually needed to reach the finish line.
You may also find it beneficial to explore other erogenous options, like nipple play, foot massage, or even anal penetration for deep A-spot stimulation.
Tell yourself you’ll climax more than once
In the world of orgasms, sometimes mind beats matter.
If you approach each session with a mindset that allows you to relax and enjoy what’s happening, you may find that the excitement of play and experimentation increases your overall relaxation and heightens your sensitivity.

If you want to go for more than one ejaculation, try this
It is possible to ejaculate more than once. As with having more than one orgasm, getting to this point may take time — but the journey can be half the fun.
Practice Kegels
Do this several times per day. You may begin to notice a difference in both stamina, sensation, and ejaculation control as the muscles develop more.
Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can have a lot of positive benefits, from helping you control urination to increasing sensation during sexual activity.
A basic Kegel exercise requires you to flex your muscles as if you were trying to hold urination or cut it off mid-stream, then hold that contraction for at least 5 seconds.
Gradually increase how long you can hold this contraction — up to 20 seconds or so — to increase strength.
Avoid masturbating
The longer you go without masturbation or partner sex, the more sensitive you’ll be to simulation.
Increased stimulation may make it easier to ejaculate more than once.
Skip a few days of sex or self-play, and the tension may be enough to help you increase your numbers.

If you want to go for a continuous O, try this
Stacking orgasms may take a great deal of practice, and not everyone will be able to do it. That’s OK!
Enjoy the ride and see where it takes you.
1.Go ahead and have that first orgasm, but instead of basking in the afterglow for too long, prepare for another.
2.Begin stimulation again just as the first rush of orgasm starts to subside. You may need to vary the technique or location of stimulation. Keep going as you approach the next surge of arousal.
3.With each climax, decrease sensitivity for a few seconds, but don’t let off. The key to stacking orgasms is to keep stimulation or penetration going in order to ride a wave of continuous orgasms.

Are there any risks to orgasming or ejaculating more frequently?
Having multiple orgasms or ejaculating several times in a row isn’t risky, but you can irritate your vulva or clitoral hood with too much rubbing or friction. Your vaginal muscles may become sore from penetration too.
Vary your stimulation techniques to reduce friction, and use lube to prevent discomfort.
Don’t be shy with the lube either! Use as much as it takes to cut down on any friction.

The bottom line
Having multiple orgasms or ejaculations can be a lot of fun, but it’s not the only way to prolong your sexual sessions. If you think your romps are too brief, explore other ways to make sex last longer.
Above all else, be open to your body’s unique capabilities and sensations. Listen to it through the process, and have fun!

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