Saturday, March 30, 2019

Your Complete Guide to Her G-Spot

No wonder you’ve had such a hard time finding the G-spot: The latest research from the Journal of Sexual Medicine questions whether or not it truly exists.
In order to track down its whereabouts, researchers gathered any G-spot-related studies published in PubMed between 1950 and 2011 (91 in total). And although many of the studies suggested that women believed it existed, their final conclusion was there was not enough concrete evidence to prove an exact location of the G-Spot.
The catch: “Just because scientific research is lacking on an exact location, doesn’t mean that future research won’t be able to establish where it is,” says Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., sex researcher at Indiana University and author of Great in Bed. “At the end of the day, there is no doubt in scientific research that there is this area on the front wall of the vagina, that when it is stimulated, is pleasurable and even leads to orgasm for some women.”
It’s difficult to scientifically measure things within the genitals because everything is so compact. So when you stimulate and move one part, it stimulates and moves other parts—thus things are always changing, says Herbenick.
Where exactly do you begin your noble quest? Check out Herbenick’s tips for guiding you towards the goods.
Start Here. Regardless of the exact location, wherever this G-spot is, it resides somewhere either on the front vaginal wall (the side where her belly button is) or through the front vaginal wall—so that’s where you want to begin, says Herbenick. Explore about 2 inches inside the vagina.
Apply Pressure. Whether you’re inside of her or your fingers are, applying direct pressure to her lower abdomen and mons (the triangular area that may or may not have pubic hair left on it) can really intensify the stimulation, says Herbenick. If she’s laying on her back, press firmly down on that area with your hand, or press your body up against hers, in order to create that sandwich-like pressure. Or if she’s on her stomach, that also works well because there will already be that pressure on the front side of her vaginal wall, says Herbenick.
Let Her Mount You. Woman on top is one of the easier positions to try when searching for the G-spot because she has a lot of room to move around, says Herbenick. Try tilting her forward or back. By doing this, you can help her maneuver around in search of her sweet spot. “Plus, since all men’s penises point and bend in different directions, this will allow more flexibility for your parts to fit together,” says Herbenick. (Use our Sex Position Master to find dozens of sex positions to try.)
Use Your Muscles. Another trick can be to squeeze your pelvic floor muscles (also referred to as “making your penis dance”), says Herbenick. When squeezing those muscles, the penis literally moves and can become firmer—perking it up toward the front side of the vaginal wall. Trying this technique may position your penis closer to her areas that need stimulation, says Herbenick.

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