Thursday, April 23, 2009

A few reports have even reported that you can actually drive down

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There’s small Bluetooth Headsets, and there’s Bluetooth Headsets so incredibly tiny, you almost wonder if the design staff were having a good laugh about how puny they could make their products.

The Motorola H9 manages to be so small, it’s not even funny anymore. Rather, the whole unit is about as big as an earplug, so you’re not just sporting a tiny headset to show off, you’re actually using a headset so tiny that there’s no way you’ll even notice it’s there.

Of course, none of that means a thing if it doesn’t perform. Without range and good sound quality, it’s nothing but a pricy status symbol.

So we’re pleased to report that not only is it a beautifully tiny headset, it’s also a darn good one. The unit can pick up signals from your phone up to thirty feet away, and the sound quality is crystal clear. You know how it is when people talk to you on Bluetooth headsets, it sounds like they’re riding a motorcycle down a busy freeway while talking on speakerphone. The Motorola H9 sounds great, though. Your voice comes through as clear and sharp as if you were talking directly into the cell phone.

A few reports have even reported that you can actually drive down a busy freeway with the window down and still have your voice come through,20thanks to the voice filter. Why you wouldn’t just roll the window up is anyone’s guess, but the option is open to you!

So it combines function and form pretty well. You don’t look like “That guy with the Bluetooth headset plugged into his head” anymore.

They’ve actually designed smaller headsets than this, believe it or not, but so far, the Motorola Mini H9 has been the only one that was not only tiny, but actually functional enough to justify selling to the consumer market, so they’re actually trying to put out a good product, here, and not just trying to get into the Guiness Book of World Records. The others will have to be satisfied with never moving past the prototype stage.

You can actually pick one of these up somewhere in the area of fifty bucks, which is kind of surprising. You’d probably expect to pay twice that for the self-proclaimed (and verified) smallest Bluetooth headset available. So if you’ve still got a gigantic walkie talkie attached to the side of your head, you’ve got no excuse not to check this product out.

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