Tuesday, February 10, 2009

compaq AC power adapter type cannot be determined

First post by: www.itbattery.com

Concerning this problem, I was also disapointed with the limitations imposed due to the PSID signal on my Compaq Laptop Battery. So this is my solution.

OK the ID function is there for a reason, Dell designed it to help preserve the ( Compaq EVO N600C Battery) etc, but having emailed tech support with a request for a software override or some other solution to be able to switch off the PSID requirement, they either could or would not help. Just recommended I purchase (as people have said) more of their charging equipment etc. which I also think is a bit unreasonable.

They could easily update the Bios to allow user selection of this function.

Anyway, I ummmed and errred for a while, and then thought why not move the mysterious ID chip from the adapter to permanently inside the Laptop and disconnect the middle ID pin so the laptop ALWAYS thinks it has a correct adapter connected. Fine by me. And you can still adjust the power saving mode on screen anyway.

Now I don’t recommend this to most people as its quite tricky. I’m an electronics engineer and have experience with circuits etc. and it took me a couple of days to do it with Compaq EVO N610C Battery. Remember warranties probably go out of the window.

The first problem is to get your good Compaq EVO N620C Battery apart. The case is glued together, and withought butchering it completely, takes some effort to get apart with blunt knives etc. Then unsolder the end of the metal shield nearest the output cord to get to the back of the circuit board.

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